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Song of India was founded in 1932 by my grandfather Mr. Jagdamba Prashad Mathur; originally known as Mathur Perfumery Works. Our storefront in Delhi produced and retailed natural perfume oils, body oils, herbal oils and incense. The family techniques and craftsmanship were continually developed and eventually passed onto his son, Mr. Durga Prashad Mathur who continued to grow the business with his wife looking after our store. In the 1960s, the demand for natural products and oils was recognized on the global market. People from around the world began visiting my father’s shop and appreciating our products. During this time, we began creating international relationships and strategizing about further growth. Our business was then passed along to my two brothers and myself. R.Expo was founded as a result in 1972 with my brothers Ashok and Shiv Kumar by my side. Soon after, we began receiving small international orders and our business started expanding globally. In I989, my wife Anju and I moved to Seattle, WA with our daughters to launch our US focus while my brothers continued the manufacturing and exporting from India. Since then, we have been blessed to have grown into global leaders of natural products and handicrafts. To this day, the children of our family have continued to manufacture the same high-quality oils and incense that were created by my grandfather and continue to export handicrafts from the same family shop in Delhi. I was fortunate enough to start a charity called Song of India in 1999. Based in Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan we focus on children who have lost a parent and do not have the means to attend school. We provide them with all the material and resources for their education. I am proud to say, we currently have 50 children benefiting in the program. These children are doing very well in their education and are scoring high on the standardized tests. Many of the children have graduated from high school and continue their post secondary education. The proceeds for this charity are collected by the sale of our own India Temple line of products. We sincerely thank you for continuing to buy our produces and contributing to this small charity that has made great impact in the lives of these precious children. I also want to take this opportunity to thank our worldwide customers who have believed in us and have imported our products since the 1970s. A big thank you to our loyal US customers who have helped our company grow to the level it is today. It is our incredible staff and sales reps in the US and India that continue to believe in our product quality and tireless work hard that has made this company a reality. Sincerely, Raj K. Mathur President R.Expo (USA) Inc.